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Mixology Monday: Anise | The Straight Up

It’s that time of the month again: time for December’s MxMo theme (…what did you think I was talking about?).  Reflecting on this years themes, we’ve had so many good ones, including some of my favorite flavors and ingredients. Indeed, it’s been a great year for Mixology Monday.

While I had a few ideas I’ve been kicking around for this months theme, including some more holidayesque thoughts (candy cane vodka?), I ultimately decided on one of my favorite flavors: Anise.

Although great any time of year, there is something about colder weather and the holidays that really sets my anise fetish into overdrive. While past MxMos have seen a few specific sources of anise, such as pastis and absinthe, I wanted to open things up to anything anise flavored, the more unique the better.

Most folks have something with anise notes laying around, whether it’s Absinthe or Pastis, Ouzo, Genepy, even Green Chartreuse, Peychaud’s, Raki, etc.

Maybe get creative and make something tasty with some star anise, like a syrup, infusion or tincture.  Show us that riff on a Sazerac or Improved Holland Gin Cocktail that you love, or create something entirely new.  If you’re feeling frisky, see if you can work in a few anise ingredients. Either way throw something together and share it with us all. The deadline is two weeks from today, Monday 12/23.


Here’s how to get a piece of the action:

  1. Create something tasty using at least 1 anise flavored ingredient, and post the recipe on your blog along with a photo (…of the drink, sicko), notes, comments, etc. Don’t have a website? Drop a post on eGullet’s Spirits and Cocktails forum and send me the link.
  2. Add the MxMo logo to your post, and link back to both the Mixology Monday site and The Straight Up.
  3. Submit a comment to this post with a link back to your Anise flavored cocktail post, or send an email to thestraightup (at) gmail (dot) com.
  4. Get your submissions in by midnight on Monday, December 23rd.

Looking forward to seeing what you fine folks come up with.

As always, thanks again to Fred Yarm at Cocktail Virgin Slut for making sure this thing kicks ass every month.


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