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Jellyfish (shooter)

Is this week over yet? Is it Friday yet? Wait……..I’m not ready for the weekend yet, so it can’t be here already….I just REALLY need this week to be over already. Needless to say these past 3 days have been….crazy.

Last Friday our oldest took his test at the DMV to get his permit. Passed!! Yesterday he had his first official “behind the wheel” instruction. Now that his first 2 hours are done, he can now drive with a licensed driver 35 or older! So today….he and I took our first drive. He “very willingly” drove me to Target, he did great! We are slowly working towards those 50 hours of driving he and I (or my husband, my folks, his aunts/uncles) have to complete, yeay!!

I wanted to make a fun shooter today so I searched online. I found the same recipe for a Jellyfish shooter over and over again, so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s a fun shooter to make and a nice quick one to drink. I have made one similar in the past, Brain Hemorrhage, which was really good. This one was easier to get down because there wasn’t as much of the “hanging baileys” in the middle as there was in the Brain Hemorrhage. All in all it was a pretty yummy shooter.

Here is the recipe for a Jellyfish:

  • 1/2 ounce white creme de cacao
  • 1/2 ounce amaretto
  • 1/2 ounce Irish Cream liqueur
  • 4 drops grenadine
In a shot glass, pour in the first two ingredients. Next layer the Irish Cream on top of them. With a straw drip 4 drops of grenadine in the middle.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here’s to another fun shooter!


The Cocktail Lady

Shared this recipe on the Cook, Blog, Share site!

SOURCE: A Year of Cocktails – Read entire story here.