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Halloween Jello Shots

Halloween Jello Shots

It is the day before Halloween and I honestly thought that I would not have time to do a post today! Yeay, here I am….posting! These last two weeks have been insane crazy super busy. I am kinda of surprised that I survived it all. First off, my stomach has been in knots with excitement and anxiety for the past few weeks as we’ve watched our San Francisco Giants go from the Wild Card Game all the way to winning The World Series! What an emotional roller coaster that was! As much as I love watching our Giants play, I’m so glad that’s all over!

Halloween being on a Friday gives us all that cushion that we haven’t had in quite a few years. Now we don’t have to get the kids to bed at a reasonable hour because of school the next day! We can all hang out, have friends over and enjoy the holiday. In celebration of that I decided to make some Jello Shots.

One of my very best friends is our Jello Shot lady. She makes the best vodka jello shots ever and we all count on her to make them. I decided that I wanted to try my hand at it, so I created 3 (yes you all get 3 recipes for the price of one today!) different recipes for Jello Shots.

Here are my recipes for these 3 jello shots:

Fire Orange Cider

  • 6 ounce package orange flavored gelatin
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup boiling apple cider
  • 10 ounces chilled Fireball Whisky
  • 6 ounces cold apple cider
  • 2 ounce plastic containers with lid (you’ll need 24-26)


  • 6 ounce package lime flavored gelatin
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 8 ounces chilled tequila
  • 8 ounces margarita mix
  • 2 ounce plastic containers with lid (you’ll need 24-26)

Coconut Grape

  • 6 ounce package grape flavored gelatin
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 10 ounces chilled coconut rum
  • 6 ounces cold water
  • 2 ounce plastic containers with lid (you’ll need 24-26)

All preparation is the same. Pour gelatin package into a medium sized bowl and add boiling liquid/s. Stir for 2 minutes (like it says on the box) until the gelatin is dissolved. Next add your chilled/cold liquid ingredients and stir.

Pour the mixture into 2 ounce containers and seal with lid. Stack in the fridge for 4 hours or until firm. I suggest leaving it in the fridge for a day so that all of the flavors are even better.

I hope you all have a Happy Halloween and a wonderful weekend! We have a very busy weekend ahead of us, so these jello shots will REALLY come in handy!!


The Cocktail Lady

SOURCE: A Year of Cocktails – Read entire story here.