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Cocktail Puzzles – A Year of Cocktails

What are you doing to help pass the time during Shelter In Place (SIP)?

We have been doing a LOT of puzzles!  

Which reminds me of one of my “Shelter In Place Drinking Games”……..which really can be an “any day” drinking game.  Most of these are things we do or don’t do regularly anyways!

We have had a couple in the house that we have never done.  Completed them in the first week.  

We then ordered another one.  Completed it.  

Then I went onto Amazon to order more……….yea I couldn’t find any that were in stock.  If they were possibly in stock they weren’t shipping for at least a month!


Then I got the idea to create my own!

I mean shoot I have 500+ cocktail photos from all of the cocktails that I have made over the past 8+ years!  Why not!

I submitted a couple of my photos.

Chose one I wanted to put together and ordered it.

I was excited and nervous to receive it.  I had NO CLUE what the quality would be.

Then the puzzle came in the mail.

HOLY CRAP the quality was good!  Like REALLY good!

The puzzle came in a box with it’s photo on the outside.  

When I opened up the box all of the pieces were sealed in a bag, which I thought was awesome!

These puzzle pieces were thick.  They were super glossy which was AMAZING!  They all fit together perfectly, I have NO complaints!  I mean check out these pieces!!

My daughter and I worked on the puzzle together.

Boy was that fun!

Then we proudly displayed our finished product!

I have to say I am SUPER impressed with the quality of this puzzle.  I knew I would be critical because this is a puzzle of MY photo.  I didn’t want a half ass puzzle. 

What I received was beyond my expectations.

If you want to put together a new puzzle, these are amazing!

Also, if there is a cocktail photo of mine that you’d like to have made into a puzzle, let me know which one and I’ll upload it!

I hope you are all doing well during this SIP!

I know how hard this time can be.

The fight to find some normalcy can be a challenge at times.

Just know that this will get better.  

This is not permanent.

We will get through this!

All My Love!!

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