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“Craft”y Marketing

There is a buzz on social media right now as some people have “blown the whistle” on the fact that many “craft” products are made at a couple mass producing distilleries. I have needless to say seen and …

Balanced Life: Lessons from a Cocktail Glass

Let’s face facts here.  No matter how good your upbringing, no matter how genuine your intentions, no matter how decent your action and no matter how you surround yourself and in turn express Love…….shit happens.  Not just …

The Hunt for Apple Cider

Autumn is rapidly approaching and it is time  for my annual search for a local unfiltered Apple Cider.  Apples grow in abundance in Northern New Mexico believe it or not.  For half a century there was even an orchard here …

36 Hours in Santa Fe

Santa Fe is a huge Mecca for so many things: art, music, food, and drinks. Take a look at what some of us in Santa Fe showed The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/30/travel/things-to-do-in-36-…

Enchanted Weekend: Albuquerque Staycation

A change of scene helps recharge our batteries. Albuquerque – otherwise known as the gritty backdrop to Breaking Bad – may not be the first place that springs to mind when planning a health-focused, indulgent weekend escape. But, for …

Los Angeles: Kitchen Meets Bar Class at Spork Foods

Teaching is my favorite thing to do in the liquor business. Whether training distributors’ sales teams, doing an on-premise spirits talk in bars and restaurants, or teaching a cocktail class for the everyday person who loves to entertain, sharing …

Keeping It Real: Mind, Body, Spirit(s)

“No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.” Deepak Chopra The nature of the bar business is late nights, long hours and physical exertion. Bartenders, Brand …

In Good Taste: Chocolatier, Lydia Studier-Tarzia

Santa Fe is a town where food and art collide. So, its not surprising for a creative person to leave her hometown of Leonia, New Jersey, in 2007, to study art at the College of Santa Fe, and wind up heading …

A Nine-Page Feature on Trick Dog’s Caitlin Laman

The fine folks at the Bay Area Newsgroup, which includes newspapers the San Jose Mercury, Oakland Tribune, Contra Costa Times, and others, asked me to write a long profile of Trick Dog’s Caitlin Laman, so that’s what I did.  The …