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Ingredients: 1oz Aperol 1oz Campari 1oz Cynar Optional: Elixir Vegetal Instructions: Add the Aperol, Campari and Cynar to a rocks glass. Top with crushed ice and give a quick stir, garnish with a long grapefruit twist. If using Elixir Vegetal…

Sweet Vermouth

Sweet vermouth is a staple in the Booze Nerds cabinet, as it is used in a wide variety of drinks. As a result, we have quite a few different brands. This week, we thought we would check out their flavor …

What to do with woody whiskey

There are a lot of craft distillers out there now. We really love some of the interesting and high quality products they’re making. However, we don’t enjoy the micro barreled whiskeys that some of them are producing. We …

Maraschino Comparison

This week we decided to do a comparison between the two maraschino liqueurs we currently have in the liquor cabinet. Maraschino is a cherry-almond liqueur used in many classic drinks, and we’re both fond of it for it’…


Chartreuse is a French herbal liqueur that comes in both a green and a yellow formulation. You can find both varieties in many cocktails, where they add interest from their herbal flavors as well as sweetness. This week, we check …

My Black and Bitter Heart

We’re not big romantics here at Booze Nerds, but we still like to throw ourselves into the spirit of any holidays that come our way. Never decline a chance to celebrate, right? So we felt it was only right …

Which Bitters?

If you’re a regular reader here, you know that we’re fascinated by how different ingredients affect a drink. Some might even say we’re somewhat obsessed with it. 🙂 This week we decided to noodle around a bit …

Switchels & Shrubs

This week we decided to take a look at shrubs – flavored, sweetened vinegar-based syrups – and switchels, which are the same thing only with the inclusion of ginger as a flavoring. The vinegar in them serves the same …

Irish Coffee

A couple weeks ago, we were fortunate enough to spend a few hours out with Saragh, our local Jameson whiskey rep, and got a chance to try some of their offerings we weren’t familiar with, like the Gold Reserve …

Spring Tiki

It’s spring in Seattle, which means it’s tiki time! The weather’s a bit dull, grey and rainy right now, so we’re turning to delicious tropical drinks to lighten our spirits. Come with us to the South …

Wild Kingdom

March 28th was Marlin Perkin’s birthday. When we were kids in the 70’s, he hosted Wild Kingdom, which influenced us in many ways. We both have fond memories of watching it on Sunday evenings, where Marlin and his …

Any Port in a Storm

We are both fond of port as a nice after-dinner drink, but it also makes a great mixer. With it’s sweetness and fruity/caramel-y notes, it adds depth and richness to a cocktail. We decided to experiment …

Fort Sumter

This week, we give a quick tip of the hat to American history. The Civil War (or the War Between the States if you prefer) started 153 years ago on April 12th at Fort Sumter. We know that whiskey was like …