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Sipping Scotch in Sophistication

Ever had a whisky older than you? Opportunities such as this don’t come along very often, especially as “you” get older and older and older. When I was in my 20s, for example, finding 30-year-old scotches was …

A Short Flight to Paper Plane

This past weekend, friend Jack and I made our way to downtown Decatur to seek out one of Atlanta’s newest cocktail-centric bars, Paper Plane. The cozy, retro-infused spot is the latest project by local bar wizard Paul …

A Southerner Goes North

As you may have noticed, dear reader, this blog has been idle since July of 2013. The reason for this, of course, is that I have relocated from the quiescent suburbs of Atlanta to bustling metropolis of New York City. As …

Byrrh Rides Again: The Chevalier

I love apéritif wines. Byrrh, Lillet, Dubonnet, Cocchi, you name ‘em, I’ll drink ‘em. These complex, Continental concoctions are wonderful on their own — or with a wedge of citrus and some soda, a universal truth of …

High Times at the Manhattan Cocktail Classic

As some of you know, the Manhattan Cocktail Classic was held here in New York a few weeks back. And I nearly missed it. Serves me right for not paying more attention to the cocktailian side of life. It had …

Encouraging the Spirit of Queens

A couple of weeks ago I was perched on a bentwood bar stool at my favorite local watering hole, trading thoughts on cocktails with bartender David, when the phrase “Astoria Distilling Company” was casually dropped into the conversation. It …

Colonial Gin and Tonic

I must admit Gin & Tonic is not a drink I fix myself often anymore. There are so many other cocktails and drinks I haven’t tried yet, so I will rather spend my “booze budget” on them than the old …

Snow Ball

Of all the strange concoctions I have measured into a shaker the Snow Ball from the reprint of the 1935 edition of the Bar La Florida Cocktails wins hands down.It’s a mix of gin, creme de menthe, Parfait Amour and …

Hanky Spanky Panky

Ada Coleman is one of my heroes – the first famous female bartender in the world (until someone identifies a predecessor – because as we all know cocktail history can change with the turn (up) of an old photo).At the moment …

Pineapple Julep

Derby Day is largely ignored in Denmark.We do have a race course but the interest in horse racing is not very big, so I can’t tell you when it’s Derby Day in Klampenborg.I can however tell you when …

Bananarac – books and bananas

I am looking at my cocktail book library with new eyes – and ears. That might lead to a new post on cocktail books – my old one still gets a surprising amount of traffic.For mind numbingly boring garden/house maintenance …


Yes it is Cinco de Mayo – a day to remember a Mexican victory over a far larger French army in 1862.A day commemorated by lots of Mexican food and drink – judging from food and drinks blogs in my newsfeed. However …