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Balanced Life: Lessons from a Cocktail Glass

Let’s face facts here.  No matter how good your upbringing, no matter how genuine your intentions, no matter how decent your action and no matter how you surround yourself and in turn express Love…….shit happens.  Not just to you but to everyone at some point or another (in some cases the several moments at the same time).

So it goes. But we all learn to move on and move through with our high proof inner strength.

With the exception of a few random posts, and working at Secreto Lounge, I have done very little work.  My boss would probably say I have barely even shown up for work!  Why is this? I needed to re-balance.

Between teaching classes, doing private events, responding to an average of 74 emails a day, making public appearances, and daily shaking behind the bar, I began to allow my world to become consumed by all-things-work with little or no focus on the guy that is trying to make all that happen. Not to mention trying to be a dad.  Living, working and playing booze all day turns life into not a well balanced drink something more like a Pickle Back Shot.

070514P_679One of the ways I decided to break this vicious cycle? Whitewater Rafting! And not just rafting , but training as a Raft Guide. Each weekend this past summer I was riding the Rio Grande River away from my phone, away from my computer, and away from the bar finding a sanctuary in the Rio Grande Gorge learning to navigate boats on Class III and IV rapids.

When I first moved to Santa Fe, I didn’t work in the bar biz: I was a Ropes Course Facilitator at  a summer camp and part of my excitement in being a guide was using those team building skills again taking a group of strangers, or a family, or a bunch of friends down the river creating fun, and making memories.

And I learned some things about myself as well.  I learned that great ingredients in life are necessary and that every ingredient is great in and of itself.  That some things are good together, and others are not and the only way to find out if they do is to try.  Focus on the moment with precision and pay attention to exactly what you are putting into your life’s mixing glass. There is reason for the gentleness of stirring and the vigor of shaking.  Over pouring can be overpowering and putting too much or too little in will not achieve balance.

SOURCE: The Santa Fe Barman – Read entire story here.