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Ride with Team Negroni | The Santa Fe Barman

This years, Santa Fe is included in Team Negroni’s bicycle rides to raise money for the Helen David Relief Fund, and I am one of the riders. The ride is the first of many around the country with team leader Tony Abou-Ganim, aka The Modern Mixologist, and happens to be during Negroni Week and The New Mexico Cocktails & Culture Festival

The Helevent_photo590223a193870en David Relief Fund raises money to help bartenders battling breast cancer.  It was started by Tony as a memorial to his aunt, Helen David who was a two time breast cancer survivor and later died in her 90’s.

My mother and my grandmother both were also survivors of breast cancer before their lives were taken by other causes.

The goal is for each rider to raise $250, but I am not stopping there and have set a goal of $1000, so I am asking for your help.  Every little bit counts, so if you can find a few bucks in your proverbial tip jar to help out a great fund, please click this link and follow the very simple instructions.
Thank you for your support

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