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farm animal wine

sheep The Barnyard Vineyards is proud to announce that it is selling Chardonnay, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot as a fundraiser. $6 of every bottle you purchase is given to FARM SANCTUARY.

donkey The wines are certified organic, vegan and come from LaFortuna Vineyards, in a certified free trade zone in Chile.


Please disregard any rumors you may have heard circuiting around the farm that Charlie and Christmas (2 of our colossal cows) or the herd of goofy goats, had ANYTHING to do with the smashing of the grapes. In addition, the daffy ducks had nothing to do with tasting the wine, no matter what they say.labels

Shop FARM SANCTUARY and support the silent victims of our world today: the much abused and humble farm animal.

The post farm animal wine appeared first on Intoxicated Zodiac Blog.

SOURCE: Intoxicated Zodiac Blog – Read entire story here.