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Just finished watch the end of the Giants game and am happy to say that Timmy just pitched a No-Hitter! Unfortunately he got a huge container of powerade dumped on him (that’s not the unfortunate part) and the top of the container seems to have knocked him in the back of his head. After the second container was dumped on him, he ran downstairs into the locker room. Gosh I hope he’s OK. Poor guy.

I have had my eye on this cocktail for quite some time. About a week or so ago I was going to make it and then opened up my fridge and notices that I didn’t have any OJ left. Love it when the kids finish stuff and don’t tell me about it…..

I found this cocktail over at Hampton Roads Happy Hour. This cocktail is pretty good. I have used Southern Comfort in two other cocktails so far. The first was the Funky Cold Medina…..wasn’t a huge fan of that one. Then I tried it in the cocktail White Christmas, HUGE success! My husband and I loved it as well as just about all of our friends and family. Today was time to give So Co another shot (sure there was a little bit of pun there, I’ll admit it). The So Co definitely gave this cocktail a different flavor then I’m used to. My first sip threw me so I had to take a couple more to really get the taste for it. It’s pretty good. Not a favorite, or go to cocktail for me, but pretty good. I’m thinking that if you are a So Co fan, you might just like this one.

Here is the recipe for a Dingo:

  • 1 1/2 ounces light rum
  • 1 ounce Southern Comfort
  • 1 ounce amaretto
  • 1 ounce sweet & sour mix
  • 2 ounces orange juice
  • 1/2 ounce grenadine
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients except for the grenadine. Shake well and dump everything into a margarita glass. Pour the grenadine down the side of the glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here’s to a fun cocktail of different colors!


The Cocktail Lady

SOURCE: A Year of Cocktails – Read entire story here.